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11款实用的jquery Tab(标签)效果插件

11款实用的jquery Tab(标签)效果插件

Tab(标签)效果在现在的网页设计,尤其是信息类网页设计中使用的特别的多。关于这种效果的实现网上有很多种,但是很多时候要使用了却总是找不到合适效果的,无奈之下只能自己动手去写,偶尔从国外网站上看到了这篇文章,仔细看了一下感觉这11款jquery Tab(标签)效果插件 的确非常的使用,基本涵盖了所有的Tab效果的实现,所以发在爱果果上与网友一起分享。

Create A Tabbed Interface Using jQuery

jquery tab navigation

动态滑动效果的jquery tab插件,里面包括使用教程。

Sweet AJAX Tabs With jQuery 1.4 & CSS3

jquery tab navigation

这里介绍了AJAX效果的基于css3和jquery的Tab 翻页效果

Building a Better Blogroll: Dynamic Fun with SimplePie and jQuery

jquery tab navigation

This tutorials teaches you how to build a dynamic tabbed blogroll with some fun jQuery animations.

Create a Slick Tabbed Content Area using CSS & jQuery

jquery tab navigation

This tutorials teaches you how to build a simple little tabbed information box in HTML, then make it function using some simple Javascript, and then finally we’ll achieve the same thing using the jQuery library.

Feature List

jquery tab navigation

This jQuery plugin enables simple and easy creation of an interactive “Featured Items” widget.

Fancy Sliding Form with jQuery

jquery tab navigation

This tutorial teaches you how to create a fancy sliding form that shows some validation feedback to the user after each step. This form saves a lot of space and is easy to access – it basically works like a slide show, just that we have fieldsets of a form instead of images.

Create A Tabbed Interface Using jQuery

jquery tab navigation

This tutorial teaches you how to easily create a tabbed interface using the Tabs function in the jQuery UI library.


jquery tab navigation

This Jquery plugin lets you easily create tabbed content. All you need is an ul-element with some li-elements and a couple of related content-divs. The major difference between Tabify and it’s competitors is it’s size.


jquery tab navigation

jQuery Plugin that generates a Tab Navigation from Markup that makes sense without Javascript. The generated Tabs are the only ones out there that work for Screenreader users without support for WAI ARIA.


jquery tab navigation

idTabs is a plugin for jQuery that makes adding tabs into a website super simple. But it can also open the door to endless possiblities.

jQuery Moving Tab and Sliding Content Tutorial

jquery tab navigation

Learn how to build a lava lamp tab and sliding content all together with just simple jQuery code. This script is good for sidebar that display recent posts, comments and community news.